Hadean architecture requires efficient use of vertical space in order to properly house the planet’s hundred billion deceased. Although the dead have nearly as much space in which to dwell as the living (as they reside all throughout the Earth’s hollow interior), it is impossible for their population to ever decrease. In order to prevent a crisis, the most industrious of the dead have gathered to solve this problem that the gods have otherwise neglected.

Their work has resulted in the construction of towers known as “corescrapers,” which reach upward from the planet’s inner surface. Each is centered by a massive double-helix of pipes that connect the world’s central fireball to the concave landscapes that surround it, from which they directly pump crude oil. This creates a feedback loop of wandering fire that brings energy to the homes of the dead below as well as to the belching volcanoes above. The entire underworld is dependent upon this makeshift power grid.

The apartments in which the dead reside spiral outwardly from these colossal tubes, lit by automatic torches and decorated with minimalist iron furniture. Almost everything within is forged from the metals which were mined away to make room for this afterlife. While most is designed for efficiency, luxury exists here as well. Numerous heroes and demigods hold timeshares in the penthouses towards the peak, away from the noise of the endless battlefields below. Construction is constant and desperate, yet the rent only continues to rise.

Despite these heroic efforts to keep the afterlife running, the core has been begun to dim over the course of the past century. Ever since the rise of mass production in the world above, the dead have been forced to compete with the living for fossil fuels. As such, rolling blackouts have begun throughout their domain, and some have even reported seeing ice on the River Styx.