“Cherries aren’t technically berries, you know.”

“Wait, what?”

“Berries don’t have pits.”

“Well, what about cherries that contain themselves instead of pits?”

“I’ve never heard of such a thing.”

“Then you’ve never tried feedback cherries?”

“No, I can’t say that I have.”

“Well, they’re just like that. Feedback cherries exhibit infinite regression. If you cut one open, there’s a smaller cherry where its pit should be. And where that smaller cherry’s pit should be, there’s an even smaller cherry. And so on, and so forth.”



“Well, do they taste any different from normal cherries?”

“That depends. You have to be very careful while eating them, because each cherry contains the same amount of sugar. Bite along the edge, and it tastes just like a normal cherry. Sink your teeth just a bit deeper inside, however, and the sweetness doubles, triples, quadruples…”

“And if you bite down directly on its center?”

“Well, if you do that, you’ll break your teeth. The lattice of sugar crystals is harder than diamond after around thirty layers in.”

“Huh. And has anyone ever made it deeper than that?”

“No, I don’t think so.”

“I tend to think that still counts as a pit, then.”


“Still not a berry.”

Sometimes, humans contain themselves as pits, too.

There are no cherries with bottomless pits, but the same cannot be said of peaches.

Snakes which contain themselves are far more prevalent in human artwork.